Tokyo's strangest vending machines: Horikiri, hamburgers

10 vended things to make you go hmmm...

Horikiri, hamburgers

Tateishi burger, 100 yen

Looking at the picture above, this may just seem like a transparent gimmick. But look again: even the owner doesn't seem to be taking things seriously (the Japanese text says: 'Vending machine?'). If you're feeling game, put 100 yen into the slot in the upper right hand corner, then watch as some amateur mechanics are employed, and eventually a hamburger pops out. Just don't try to buy more than one: the chef (who is behind the machine and cooks each burger one at a time) might get into a bit of a flurry.

Tateishi Hamburger, home to the ‘Vending machine?’, may not be widely known, but it has its hardcore fans. The price on the machine is no lie, either: the handmade burgers start at an amazing 100 yen, and they aren’t actually all that bad. You might think that it'd take a pretty strange character to run a shop like this, but the owner turns out to be such a nice, friendly guy, it’s almost disappointing.

Location: Head out of Horikiri-Shobuen Station (Keisei Main line) and walk south down Heiwa-bashi Dori. It’s on the corner of the Myogenji-Mae intersection

Tokyo's strangest vending machines
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テキスト / 撮影 Takeshi Tojo
Translated by Virginia Okno
Please note: All information is correct at the time of writing but is subject to change without notice.


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