Your face here!

Want to be famous? We want to help

Your face here!

Here's the deal. We know as well as you do that Tokyo throws some amazing New Year's parties, and - as marvellous as we may well be - we can't make it along to all of them. So we're hoping you'll help.

Here's how.

  1. Pick party, grab camera, take buddies, have time of your life

  2. Wake up, nurse hangover, look at previous night's photos

  3. Send best pics to Time Out Tokyo's editor (, along with blurb about who (or what) is in the photos, the photographer's name, the place the pics were taken, etc. You know the drill. Oh, and make sure you include "New Year Party Pics" in your subject line

  4. Give us time to make a few decisions and generally do what we do best

  5. Keep an eye on the Time Out Tokyo frontpage throughout the first week of January. Rejoice as you and the rest of the world sees what kind of clown you made of yourself between 2010 and 2011

Think you can do that? Great. Now go forth and show the world that Tokyo knows how to party.

By Time Out Tokyo Editors
Please note: All information is correct at the time of writing but is subject to change without notice.


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