Julianne Moore stars in Carrie
Posted: Wed Oct 30 2013
Director: Kimberley Peirce
Starring: Chloe Grace Moretz, Julianne Moore, Judy Greer
'The real question is why, when the original was so good,' Stephen King asked. We’re wondering that too: Sissy Spacek’s ethereal eeriness as shy, sheltered schoolgirl Carrie in the 1976 classic will be hard to beat. But, since this third adaptation of King’s novel is directed by Kimberly Peirce (‘Boys Don’t Cry’) and stars Chloë Grace Moretz (who, let’s not forget, starred in the surprisingly good remake ‘Let Me In’), we’re willing to give it a go. Reportedly closer to the original novel, the film stars Julianne Moore as Carrie’s religious nut mother and Judy Greer in the role of the sympathetic gym teacher. Fun fact: the title role was at one point going to go to Lindsay Lohan.
Carrie opens at select Tokyo area cinemas on November 8
This preview originally appeared in Time Out London
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